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Writer's picturePeter Cooper

Turn the impossible into reality.

Updated: Aug 23, 2019

God creates reality through faith. In Genesis he performed a miracle for Abraham. He made a statement that was humanly impossible but God made it so.

Abraham believed God

And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. (Gen 15:5-6)

God told Abraham that his physical descendants would be as many as the stars in heaven. Now when this statement was made, Abraham and Sarah were already past the child bearing age. Nevertheless, God said it would happen. Now what is Abraham to do? He believed God! He acted upon this information. "Believe" in the Bible, means acting upon what God said to us.

Then what does God do in response to Abrahamís acting upon His statement concerning a child for himself and Sarai. (Abraham's old age made no difference to God.) When he acted on His word, God did two things.

1. He counted Abrahamís action upon His promise to have children the same as righteousness. (The word righteousness means cleared of all guilt.) Whatever sin may have been in Abrahamís life, this was his freedom from his past. His believing God was counted for the clearance of all the guilt for all his sins.

2. God did was give Abraham and Sarah their own, natural child. His name was Isaac. And later, Isaac brought forth Jacob and Esau. You know the rest of the story.

Since God did the above miracle for Abraham, he can do the same thing or greater for us. Nothing is too big for God to do in our behalf. How comforting to know that what God did for Abraham, he can and will do an equal thing for us Christians today to meet our needs also.

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